March 24th - 25th

 Rain, rain go away. Grey and dreary days

The poor Snowdrops are looking a little worse for wear

Still beautiful though 

I was interested to know a little more about these lovely flowers. Apparently, they can symbolise modesty, due to their bell-like flowers that hang down loosely - shy flowers afraid to raise their heads. They are really beautiful. I've only found one small patch here that someone was nice enough to point me to a couple of years ago. Each year in early spring I go back to look and hope they have survived. The patch seemed a little smaller this year, but they were tucked up underneath a tree. They also symbolise hope - which is the lore that resonates with me. I like how strong and resilient they are even though they are small and delicate. 

Something else small and delicate is the lovely Chickadee. They can be seen flitting low and saying their names out loud in a sing-song voice Chic-a-dee-dee. I love hearing their little calls. Such beautiful little birds. 

Staying with small things, another visitor in plentiful supply at this time of year are the lovely little chipmunks. I know they are not everyone's cup of tea, especially when they are digging their little holes in the garden or chewing on things they shouldn't but in the woods they are really fun to watch. They have such character. They have to be careful though as there are bigger things in the woods that feed on them. 

A Cooper's Hawk perching low in the woods. It's really quiet as I walk through. Most of the small birds and wildlife know to stay quiet and still when he's around. It is quite eerie. 

They are so beautiful to watch. They have such patience. Sometimes they can sit for ages watching and patiently waiting. 

I don't think this deer has anything to fear from the hawk. She's too big for him. She was bedded down for the day, wet leaves all around her. I didn't watch her for long. I didn't want to disturb her. I walked further through the woods. 

I was surprised to see this Pileated Woodpecker at the same tree I had seen him at before. The hole is quite large. Is he making room for a nest? It's a tree I shall keep an eye on as long as I can before the leaves camouflage it. I would really like to see little woodpeckers with their heads sticking out of the hole as one of the adults feeds them. How exciting that would be!

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