May 8th - 14th - This Week Along the Lakeshore

It was busy at the lake this week. So much to see! Spring is definitely in full spring. Things seem to be growing daily. There is so much wildlife and birdlife to be seen at the lake. The weather was beautiful this week - highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s - definitely an improvement and a little unseasonable. The sun has been shining and there hasn't been any rain at all. It's made for some lovely walks this week. Longer walks, which accounts for all the photos taken this week. 

Asylum Lake is like that sometimes. There are days when there is so much to see, everywhere you turn there are birds and wildlife and just beautiful scenery. At this time of year it's a joy to walk there. It's usually quite quiet in the morning and it gives me time to observe everything. 

This post will be a walk along the lakeshore, with the lovely scenery.


Views at lake

The view from the beach

The view from the other side of the lake 

There are still a lot of bare branches to be seen, but the beginnings of new leaves are starting to grow and can be seen around the lake. 

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