June 26th - 30th Fields, Flowers and Birds

Walking through the woods I see a few birds. The lovely Grosbeaks seem to like the cover of the trees. I catch a flash of red and black and focus in on him. 

It looks like he's catching bugs. I wonder if that means there are babies around somewhere! 

I was glad to see a couple of Eastern Towhees this week. They are a summer favourite of mine. I like hearing their song and I'm always glad to be able to catch a glimpse of them. 

This is a male. Look at his lovely eyes - they are a deep, dark brown, appearing almost red. A couple of interesting facts about them. They are considered part of the Sparrow Family. A group of Towhees (though they aren't often found in groups) is called a Teapot of Towhees or a Tangle of Towhees. 

On the edge of the woods as I walk to the open fields I hear the Meow-y call of a Grey Catbird. Their call always makes me smile. 

I don't often walk in the back field during the winter. There aren't many trees there and the grasses all flatten with the winds and the rain, but late springtime, when things start to grow, and the grasses get taller, the field starts to fill with wildflowers, birds and bees. 

Things have only just started to grow taller. A Red-Winged Blackbird is already enjoying the area. 

As well as a Common Yellow-throated Warbler. These little warblers will call the field home for most of the summer. 

Walking through the field one day this week I heard a new sound. It was a birdsong I haven't heard before. I turned on my Merlin app on my phone and something new came up - a Dickcissel. What a strange name! I followed the sound as closely as I could and captured a glimpse of the bird. It's song is quite loud. It was perched on one of the tall grasses. 

What an interesting looking bird! 

Some of the flowers that can be seen growing nearby

There is Milkweed starting to grow taller and begin to flower. This plant is important as it is a host plant for the caterpillars of Monarch Butterflies. Their numbers are falling due to the loss of Milkweed. 

It's such a wonderful plant. I love seeing its pods and the fluffy seeds that come from it. For now the flowers are just beginning to bud. Bees love the plant too. No bee on this one but nearby on a clover plant a bee is sipping nectar. 

As I walk through the field, I see blackberries beginning to grow! There are so many spots around the preserve where berries grow. Some are picked by people, others by the birds. 

They aren't nowhere near ready to eat, but I'm sure it won't be that long. 

As I continue my walk through the field a couple of rabbits dart from the path as I walk by. I managed to get a photo of one before he took off. 

They are at the lake all year round, but in summer I seem to see more of them. They are often on the paths and dart off into the undergrowth when they see a person or are startled. 

It's back through the front fields to the car park. I love this view!

It's the end of another week and another month at Asylum Lake.  I've seen a lot this month, watched things grow and change. I can't wait to see what July brings. It's one of the hottest months of the year in Michigan. It's also the month that big bite-y flies come out. I'll have to dig out a scarf to keep them from my hair! Lots of bug spray too and watching for ticks! Hopefully lots of good moments too with lots to see!

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