April 2nd - 8th - Bird Visitors

 There were a bunch of birds to be seen this week, some new visitors, some old. There were lots of lovely little Brown Creepers around. They are so funny to watch climbing up tree trunks and flitting from tree to tree. They have a unique sound and I usually hear them before I see them. 

There were some swans seen this week too. Not just Mute Swans but some Trumpeter Swans too - always a treat to be seen! Hoping at least one of them stays around. We haven't had any Trumpeter Swans stay at the lake for a long period of time since I've been walking there. 

There were five of the Trumpeter Swans

And just one lone little Mute Swan

Another bird on the lake this week was a Bufflehead. I've been seeing them a few times over the winter, but they are quite shy and it isn't always easy to get a photo of them. I managed to take a photo before it swam away

There are plenty of geese and mallards around

I'm not sure why these two were in the woods.  We almost startled one another as I wasn't expecting them and I don't think they were expecting me! 

A new bird to Asylum Lake this week was this lovely Hermit Thrush. 

Such pretty little birds with a lovely rusty colour and spots on its chest. They make such an interesting sound. 

The Red-Winged Blackbirds are still around and making their voices well known. Their song is such a distinctive spring sound in Michigan. 

I love watching them cling to the reeds. When it is windy you can watch them trying to hang on and sing at the same time!

As I was walking along the lake side one day this week I saw a Sandhill Crane fly overhead. Once in a while they stop by but not this time!

Away from the week and up in the field the Song Sparrows are singing. They are usually high up on small bushes or trees singing their little hearts out. 

At the birdhouses there were skirmishes for control over the nest building rights. The House Sparrow at one house was still hanging on. 

At another house a couple of Chickadees were checking out the place

The Tree Swallows are the ones that usually win the house wars though and they were making their presence well-known. 

Bird life does seem to be picking up this week at the lake. 

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