June 1st - 4th Birds and Butterflies

Things have settled a little in the bird world. The spring visitors - the ones migrating through - have mostly passed by. Those that are at the lake now are mostly here to stay for summer. Quite a few to see in the first few days of June. 

A female blackbird catching bugs to take back to her babies. 

A female Bluebird sitting on one of the bird houses. They have claimed this one as home. Perhaps...unless someone chases them out!

A house wren trying to claim one of the other birdhouses at the lake. There are several around the fields and in the woods. One of the workers, Arnie, cleans them out in the spring time, ready for new nests to be built. 

Birds in the woodland and the edges of the field

Brown Thrasher

Male Northern Cardinal 

Grey Catbird

Black-capped Chickadee

Field Sparrow

Eastern Kingbird

Red-bellied Woodpecker

This week it was lovely to see some butterflies about. I'm hoping this year I'll see more of them than I did last year. Asylum Lake has two lovely prairies so hopefully there will be many to see. 

Black Swallowtail Butterfly

They really seem to like the flowers - and there are a lot of them around!

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