June 1st - 4th Flowers

The butterflies were really enjoying the flowers seen in the last post. There are so many lovely flowers around. I love seeing all the bright colours. It is wonderful to see everything come to life. It seems to make getting through winter bearable, knowing that this will come again. 

Blackberry flowers. It's wonderful to know that when these flowers fade tasty blackberries will take their place. 

I love seeing the daisies. They are one of my favourite wildflowers. Perhaps because I remember fondly making daisy chains when I was a child growing up in England. They were plentiful in the park where I used to play. 

Dandelions. Lots of people consider them weeds, but they can be eaten and are quite nutritious. I think they are quite pretty too. 

There are so many of the Dame's Rocket around. They are such vibrant flowers, attracting both butterflies and bees. 

There is some Hawkweed in the field now too. Such a vibrant orange colour. 

It is also known as Fox and Cubs, Tawny Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush and Orange Hawkbit. One piece I read said that it is alleged that hawks eat this wildflower, and it is the reason for their excellent eyesight. It's interesting to read about different folklore regarding plants. 

This Red Clover is another vibrant plant seen as this time of year. Bees seem to love it. 

Wonderful to see watch how everything is growing

Including this vibrant fungus

And the fields

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